Water Lettuce on Lake Onalaska: Tuesday Date: 10/20/2015 07:36 PM From: Fritz To: Participating Natural Resource Agencies and Volunteers Lettuce survey reports from Tuesday, October 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Shawn Giblin and his DNR crew checked from Fred Funk landing to "the tubes" and found 44 plants. This was a lot more than he had expected. Shawn thinks it might be worthwhile for another party to check this area again in a day or two. Scott Caven surveyed Brice Prairie from Clearwater Cabins to the tubes, finding 19 water lettuce plants near the tubes and landowner's pond, no water hyacinth. A lower French Island resident checked the upper and lower spillway landings on French Island, also checking vegetation that was dropped or removed from trailers. Checked both ends of the culvert - its quite plugged and impassable up on the Lake side. Also hiked out to the spillway and checked on the east shore below the spillway about 100 yards down that channel towards Round Lake. This morning I surveyed the exposed Brice Prairie shore (survey track below), finding no plants. A floating mat of celery 20' - 100+ feet has blown onshore, effectively trapping any other lettuce plants that were there previously and making it difficult to survey. I found 1 plant at the end of the Brice Prairie boat channel, and another while canoeing this evening. A vegetative mat was plugging the Brice Prairie channel outflow until late afternoon, so I don't think anything escaped. Survey track from Tuesday morning (brown) and evening (green), showing the locations of the two plants found: